Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Michel Buffa was co-responsible of the W3CX WebDev contest at Perth’s Festival of the Web Standardization, W3C track at WWW 2017.

Catherine Faron Zucker:

  • co-chair of the ESWC2017 workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH 2017),

  • co-chair of the 2nd scientific day of the Inria Learning Lab, Rennes, 10/02/2017, Rennes

  • co-chair of the AFIA Industry Forum for Artificial Intelligence (FIIA2017) on Knowledge management, 27/04/2017, Paris

  • co-chair of the AFIA day Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (PDIA2017) on AI algorithms and tools, 06/10/2017, Paris

Fabien Gandon:

  • General Chair EGC 2017

  • Co-chair Workshop LDDL linked data and distributed ledgers (blockchain)

  • PhD Symposium co-chair at ISWC 2017

Serena Villata was general chair, together with Leendert van der Torre, of the 20th International Conference on Principle and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems PRIMA, Nice, France, November.

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees

Catherine Faron Zucker: Research and Innovation co-chair of the 13th Int. Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantics 2017).

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Michel Buffa: WebAudio conference 2017

Elena Cabrio: Association for Computational Linguistics conference (ACL), Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), International Semantic Web Conference, Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17) .

Olivier Corby: International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Querying the Web of Data workshop at ESWC (QuWeDa), Conférence de Recherche en Informatique (CRI), GraphQ: 6th International Workshop on Querying Graph Structured Data, Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC), GKR workshop at IJCAI, Symposium sur l'Ingénierie de l'Information Médicale (SIIM).

Catherine Faron Zucker: WWW 2018 (The Web Conference), ICCS 2018 (Int. Conference on Conceptual Structures), IJCAI (Int. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), PRIMA (Int. Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems), WebSci (ACM Web Science conference), ESWC (European Semantic Web Conference), ISWC (Int. Semantic Web Conference), GKR@IJCAI (Int. Workshop on Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning), IC (Ingénierie des Connaissances), EGC 2018 (Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances), EIAH (Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain), CNRIA (Colloque National (sénégalais) sur la Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications).

Fabien Gandon: SemWebPro, Senior PC ISWC, Senior PC IJCAI, ESWC, IC, WebScience, WI.

Alain Giboin: ISWC, VOILA Workshop (at ISWC), IC .

Roque López: Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP, track of SIMBig).

Isabelle Mirbel: International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE), IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision (INFORSID), Toulouse, France, Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage (SW4CH).

Oscar Rodríguez Rocha: KEOD, KSE , Semantics.

Andrea Tettamanzi: ECG 2018, EvoApplications 2017, GECCO 2017, IC 2017, ISWC 2017, LREC 2018, SAC 2018, Web Intelligence 2017, and WWW 2018 SW4SH workshop at ESWC 2017.



Member of the Editorial Boards

Catherine Faron Zucker: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle.

Fabien Gandon Editor of a special issue SWJ journal for best papers of ESWC 2015 and co-author of its introduction [65]

Isabelle Mirbel: Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (Hermès).

Serena Villata: Artificial Intelligence & Law.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Elena Cabrio: Journal of Web Semantics, the Computational Linguistics journal, Argument and Computation.

Catherine Faron Zucker: IEEE’s Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT), International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI), internationale Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), revue Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation (STICEF), Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle (RIA).

Alain Giboin: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Web Semantics.

Andrea Tettamanzi : International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Semantic Web Journal, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

Serena Villata: Journal of Logic and Computation, Argument & Computation, Artificial Intelligence Journal.

Invited Talks

Michel Buffa, ”Visites de musées à distance par un robot autonome intelligent” SemWeb Pro conference, Paris, France.

Elena Cabrio was invited speaker of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), 19-22 September, Montpellier, France.

Olivier Corby:

  • ”Best Practice & Design Pattern for the Semantic Web”, JDEV, Marseille, July 5th.

  • ”A Transformation Language for the Web of Data”, Data Sciences workshop, ENIT, Tunis, September 13th.

  • ”Semantic Web Languages and Tools”, Journée Perspectives et défis de l'Intelligence Artificielle, AFIA, Paris, October 6th.

Fabien Gandon

  • Keynote Cognitum workshop IJCAI 2017, talk on Bridging social semantics and formal semantics on the Web August 20th,


  • Keynote at summer academy of the German National Scholarship foundation Semantic Web & Linked data and Wimmics research, September 25th,

  • Invited talk at Boston Consulting group Data Analytics evening on Semantic Web ad Linked data and Wimmics research, February 21st,

  • Keynote for Data Science day EDF, on Semantic Web & Linked data and Wimmics research, November 17th,

  • Talk at Mediametrie, Semantic Web & Linked data and Wimmics research, December 1st,

  • Invited keynote Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) Semantic Web & Linked data and Wimmics research, December 12th.

  • Talk at EDHEC Nice MBA Data Analytics Club about Semantic Web, Semantic Web & Linked data and Wimmics research.

Alain Giboin:

”How to use and teach heuristics for evaluating HCI applications” in the workshop ”Enseignement de l'IHM : enjeux et solutions pour les enseignants en IUT, écoles et universités” at IHM'17.

Emilie Palagi:

”Design of a User-Centered Evaluation Method for Exploratory Search Engines”, Labex UCN@Sophia Scientific Day, November 28th.

Andrea Tattamanzi:

  • Invited talk on ”Possibilistic Test of OWL Axioms under the Open-World Assumption” at the WASPIQ Workshop in Arras, June 27th.

  • Conference on ”Unsupervised Learning” at Amadeus, Sophia Antipolis, November 8th.

Scientific Expertise

Michel Buffa is member of the WebAudio W3C Working Group and UNS academic representative at W3C.

Catherine Faron Zucker is the scientific referent of the Inria Learning Lab.

Catherine Faron Zucker was leading the working group in charge of drafting the scientific challenge on Digital Science for Education for the upcoming Inria strategic plan (2018-2022).

Catherine Faron Zucker participated to one of the working groups in charge of drafting the national strategic plan on Artificial intelligence, France IA.

Catherine Faron Zucker reviewed project proposals for the Academic Research Community (ARC) 6 of Auvergne Rhône Alpes region.

Research Administration

Olivier Corby is member of the scientific board of Université Côte d'Azur RISE academy (Network, Information, Digital Society).

Catherine Faron Zucker is General Treasurer of the French Society for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA).

Catherine Faron Zucker is leading the steering committee of the AFIA college on Knowledge Engineering.

Catherine Faron Zucker was member of the 2017 recruitment committees of Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, Université de Lorraine (Nancy), Université Paul Valery (Montpellier).

Fabien Gandon:

  • director of the joint research laboratory QWANT-Inria

  • supervising the convention between the Ministry of Culture and Inria

  • representative of Inria at W3C consortium

  • representative of Inria in the Web Science Trust Network

  • member of the Steering Committee of the Scientific Board of Inria Sophia Antipolis (Bureau CP)

  • member of ESWC Steering committee

  • member of IW3C2 Steering committee for WWW conference series

Alain Giboin: is member of the scientific committee of the IDEX Jedi Academy 5 ”Homme, Idées et Milieux”. is co-facilitator of the Idex Jedi Academy 5 initiative ”Humanités numériques” (with Arnaud Zucker, CEPAM, and Damon Mayaffre, BCL), is member of the scientific committee of MSHS Axis 2 ”TIC, Usages et Communautés”. Is co-facilitator of the initiative ”Artefacts et Coordination” of MSHS Axis 2 and served as scientific correspondent for Inria Sophia of COERLE (Inria Comité Opérationnel d’Evaluation des Risques Légaux et Ethiques), in tandem with the legal correspondent Nadège Camelio-Laurent.

Seminar Organization

”Les lundis de l'ergonomie” is a cycle of seminars on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and UX Design organized by Emilie Palagi and Louise Chaussade. This multidisciplinary series of talks attract academic and professional profiles but also anyone interested in social science's approach to digital matters. This year, presentations took place with Laureline Améaume, Manuel Boutet and Naji Bouchiba. The slides and some video records are available on line (https://lundisergo.hypotheses.org/).